Apex Series Jade Acrylic Award


Our Apex Acrylic Award features a 3/4″ thick rectangle shaped piece for engraving personalization mounted on an acrylic base.

A5467 = 7″ x 8.25″ Size (Weighs 1.4 lbs)
A5468 = 8″ x 9.25″ Size (Weighs 2.2 lbs)
A5469 = 9″ x 10.25″ Size (Weighs 2.6 lbs)

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SKU: A546789 Category:


When people reach the pinnacle of a career, they deserve a fitting tribute. That pinnacle could be measured in the number of years a person dedicated to an organization or it could be the turning point in a career after a major contribution has been made to a company. Whatever the highpoint may be, we believe our Apex Series Jade Acrylic Award makes the perfect way to celebrate. This award has a ¾” piece of jade colored acrylic with beveled edges, and it is attached to a rectangular acrylic base of the same color. Three different sizes are offered, A5467= 7″ x 8.25″, A5468 = 8″ x 9.25″, and A5469 = 9″ x 10.25″ and each has ample room for corporate logos, school mascots, and other images as well as up to eight lines of type. Our talented design team will uses laser engraving to create the look of the award, and all engraving comes free of charge. No matter what the occasion, recognize a top performance by presenting some lucky recipient with our top award: our Apex Series Jade Acrylic Award.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions 7 × 8.25 in
Standard Description



No. of Lines

Plate Height

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