Crystal Cube Trophy


This Crystal Cube Trophy features a clear crystal cube mounted on a black crystal base with a black & silver engraving plate for personalization. Engraving can be done on the front of the cube & engraving plate. Item comes in a deluxe gift box similar to the attached photo.

CRY6619S = 2.5″ x 5.5″ Size (Weighs 5.5 lbs)
CRY6619L = 3″ x 6.5″ Size (Weighs 6.5 lbs)

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SKU: CRY6619SL Category:


Some people are born lucky. They can throw those “tumbling dice” and their ideas always seem to work. And then there are the rest of us who have to work hard to be successful. Ironically, one award from Hit Trophy is an excellent way to reward both types of people! Our Crystal Cube Trophy comes in the shape of a clear, single die. Balancing on a single corner, the crystal die is held suspended in place by a beautiful ebony base. The front face of the cube presents a perfect place for a business, organization, or group’s logo, and the black rectangular base has an engraving plate attached to it. Our graphic artists will duplicate your design and words for free. This unique trophy comes in two sizes: CRY6619S = 2.5″ x 5.5″; CRY6619L = 3″ x 6.5″. Both sizes come with a deluxe gift box. Order a Crystal Cube Trophy and bring a smile to the faces of hard workers and lucky winners!

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