Championship Football Trophy


This Championship Football Trophy features a 10.75" tall gold metal football mounted on a black marble base with an engraving plate for personalization.

1142 = 6.5" x 14.5" Size (Weighs 9 lbs)

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SKU: 1142 Category:


“To the victor go the spoils” and our Championship Football Trophy (item 1142) will definitely spoil any winning football team. This huge trophy stands over a foot tall. The gold colored metal football alone measures almost 11” and is complete with detailed seams and stitches. The ball rests on a gold colored inverted cup. It is all supported by an ebony marble cube which also contains an engraving plate. The black marble base can accommodate up to four lines of text. Our engraving specialists can etch the winning team’s name, the date of the game, and any other pertinent information about the team’s triumph. Our engraving is always free, and with this gigantic accolade, we will pay the shipping charges for you. This spectacular prize is perfect for rivalry games, league championships, or tourney victories at all levels. Spoil your champions with our Championship Football Trophy!

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