1191 Silver Plated Trophy Cup


Our 1191 Series features silver plated trophy cup with gold accents mounted on a rosewood base with an engraving plate for personalization. Engraving plate is black and it engraves silver.

1191/2 = 7″ x 25.5″ Size (Weighs 21.6 lbs)
1191/1 = 7.5″ x 27.5″ Size (Weighs 25.4 lbs)
1191/0 = 8″ x 29.5″ Size (Weighs 28.8 lbs)

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SKU: 1191-012 Category:


We would like to introduce our 1191 Series of our striking silver cups. This versatile group of trophy cups may be used for a multitude of reasons. If you need a first, second, and third place award, these stunning cups would work because they come in three different sizes. Nearly 30” tall and 8” wide, item 1191/0 is the tallest of our three cups; item 1191/1 measures 7.5” x 27.5” while item 1191/2 has the dimensions of 7” x 25.5”. The entire series consists of cups covered with silver plating. Each also has gold accents at the top and near the base. A remarkable rosewood base includes a black engraving plate that provides space for four lines of type. Our specially trained engravers will use lasers to etch your words onto the plate. Our engraving is free, and we will also provide free shipping for these superb silver cups. Order all three or only order an individual cup today.

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