Bell Shaped Desk Clock


Our Bell Shaped Desk Clock features piano finished rosewood, a white clock face, gold accents & an engraving plate for personalization.

T006 = 4.5" x 5" Size

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Decades ago, teachers used to keep a bell on their desks. The hand bell was used to get the students’s attention, to release students to lunch, and to call students back to class from recess. Nowadays, schools use buzzers, tones, and some even use music to dismiss students. At Hit Trophy, we still believe teachers could use a bell on their desks, but it should be one of our Bell Shaped Desk Clocks (item T006). Measuring 4.5” x 5”, this terrific timepiece rests in a bell-shaped piece of rosewood. The clock has a bright white face that contrasts with the black Roman numerals that mark the hours. The black hour and minute hands move with quartz accuracy and a gold second hand displays each passing moment. A gold nameplate has been placed below the clock. Our design team can place up to three lines of gold text onto the plate. Our Bell Shaped Desk Clock continues a long tradition while thanking those important people who staff our schools.

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