Vertical Glass Picture Frame


Vertical Glass Picture Frame with Silver Accents

GC35E = 9″ x 7″ Size (Fits 3.5″ x 5″ Photo)
GC57E = 11″ x 9″ Size (Fits 5″ x 7″ Photo)

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SKU: GC657EM Category:


We at Hit Trophy can work magic and make your pictures levitate! How? Our Horizontal Glass Picture frames, items GC35E and GC57E, capture your 3.5” x 5” photos and 5” x 7” photos, respectively, in a glass encasing. Say “ABRACADABRA!”and from a distance, your photos appear to float in midair! The smaller of the two frames stands 9” tall and 7” wide, so it will easily fit on your desk, but the 11”x 9 “ frame may fit better on a bookshelf or mantelpiece. With a little hocus pocus, to the right of the suspended photo, our engraving specialists will place up to six lines of type free of charge. Our laser engraving is a great way to have names, dates, and descriptions of the photo placed on the frame. At a starting price of $29.90, this contemporary frame will display treasured photos inexpensively. Buy one, and let Hit Trophy work our magic on your photo today!

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