Eagle On Globe


Eagle Statue Standing On A Bronze Globe. This item also includes an extra large glass engraving plate which is perfect for an award with a lot of verbiage and a logo.

RFB157 = 7.5″ x 8″ Size (Weighs 4.3 lbs)

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SKU: RFB157 Category:


Eagle resembles courage and winning spirit and when that is sculptured into a trophy it becomes a master piece. This RFB157 Eagle on Globe is one of the best eagle statues available in the market in terms of sculpture and the appeal. It can be used both as a gift and an award because of the large glass plate present in it for engraving. The posture is such that the person receiving it will feel on top of the world. The eagle is sitting on the globe in such a way that it gives a sense that it is has captured it. At Hit Trophy you can buy this 8 inch long and 7.5 inch in width statue with free laser engraving on all orders!

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 7.5 × 8 in
Standard Description



No. of Lines

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